Cub Scout Pack 17
Since 1947

St. Rose of Lima Church
Short Hills, New Jersey




Pack 17 accepts new scouts who are in Kindergarten through 4th Grade in September of each year. Our program runs from September through June.   Registration for new and returning scouts is open all year round. 


Scouts are assigned to Dens by grade level and will participate in Den activities that are designed to allow the scouts to complete the "adventure activities" of the national BSA program.  As they complete each activity they will be recognized at their Den meetings with an award and when they complete all of the adventures they will make "rank".  The ranks are Tiger (1st grade) , Wolf (2nd grade) , Bear (3rd grade), Webelo I (4th grade) and Webelo II (5th grade). 


Our Webelo II program is open to 5th Graders who have completed the Webelo I program and is designed to allow them to complete the "Arrow of Light" which is the highest achievement in cub scouting.  The 5th Grade Program ends in mid-December at which time scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light may enroll in Boy Scouts. 


In addition to Den meetings, which occur approximately once per month, we also hold a Pack Meeting approximately once per month.  The Pack meetings are another opportunity to work on achievements, plan activities, let the other Den's know what you have been doing and learn about upcoming events.


We also run fun trips and events, including hikes, camp outs, the pinewood derby (build and race a pinewood car) and rocket launch (build a water and air propelled rocket)!  


If you are interested in joining Pack 17 please contact Cubmaster Steven Hicks.


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